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7 yoga poses to increase recovery and performance

How yoga can become a better athlete, plus 7 poses

Yoga has a variety of benefits for anyone that is delivered to their mat. Whether it is a corridor, cyclist or lifter, yoga for athletes can help improve recovery, mobilityFocus, and Propioception.

A study From university athletes they found that 10 weeks of yoga significantly increased flexibility and balance compared to those who did not do yoga. 2020 research He pointed out the potential benefits of using yoga as part of a football program to help reduce certain injuries.

Of Gentile and spiritual practices more Physically demandingThere are more than a dozen different Yoga types Everything can be adapted to meet your needs. That is why yoga for athletes has become the main current. All these benefits help in the field or on the track and can also help build resistant bodies to injury proof.

“If we train the body for the unexpected, we can better administer the uncontrolled accident, the unexpected rock when we run for the base of operations,” says Laurice D. Nemetz, E-Ryt 500 and an attached associate teacher in the College of Health Professions at the Universidad Pace, pleasantville, In New York City.

Do you want to assemble your own yoga routine? Start with these poses.

  • Start four legs, with your knees directly under the hips and dolls a few centimeters forward. Point the fingertips forward and extend your fingers torque.
  • In an exhalation, target the fingers of the feet, press your hands, straighten your arms and legs and lift your hips towards the roof. Keep your hands separated to the width of the shoulders and feet separated.
  • Turn your arms out to avoid shaking your shoulders. Keep your elbows straight and hire your biceps to avoid locking. Look back on your feet fingers and keep your ears in line with your arms.
  • Keep the pose for a minute.

  • From the dog with a descending face, inhale the right leg high. Exhale to step on your right foot in your hands for a low lunge.
  • Change your right hand inside your right foot. Toe beach you as the right to the edge of his yoga bush. Keep your right knee aligned on your ankle. Plant your right foot in your mat.
  • Keep the shoulders stacked on your wrists or fall to the elbows (keep your forearms parallel) for deeper stretching.
  • Extend your long and straight rear leg. Squeeze your buttocks to keep your square hips. Push the back of the knee to the roof to involve the muscles of your leg. Return to your rear knee for passive stretching.
  • Look towards your mat.
  • Endure for breaths. Move through the dog with face down and repeat on the other side.

  • Start down the dog with a separate hands to the width of the shoulders and feet to a few inches away.
  • Lift the right foot from the floor, bend the knee and lead to the chest, then pégalo in the hands.
  • Lower the left knee on the mat and unleash the fingers of the feet so that the top of the rear foot is on the floor.
  • Keeping the front leg folded, lift your chest and lift your arms to the roof.
  • Press your hips forward and keep the front knee pointing forward and online on your ankle. Close the hips so that both bones of the hip point forward. Involve its nucleus.
  • Reach your arms up and look at the palms with each other. Keep your shoulders pressed.
  • Stay here for a minute, then change side.

  • Start in a high table position: straight arms, stacked shoulders on their wrists, straight body from the head to the heels.
  • Keeping the core tight, double your arms to slowly lower towards the floor, keeping your elbows near your body. (Go on your knees if necessary.
  • With the hands on the carpet under the shoulders, press the palms of Las Palmas and lift the chest of the floor with the arms and muscles of the back. Keep your elbows near your sides, with a slight curve. Keep your legs straight and press the upper part of your feet in the mat.
  • Open your chest and press the shoulder blades away from your ears. Do not tighten your back down (you must feel elongated). Involve the legs keeping them straight and pressured on the floor.
  • Keep at least 5 breaths.

Inhale: Cow’s pose

  • Start four legs, with your knees under the hips and hands under the shoulders. Keep your back flat, look at the floor and long neck.
  • While inhale, lift the coxis and chest towards the roof while dropping the belly into the mat.
  • Keep your shoulders away from your ears, the shoulder blade extends on your back and your head in line with your torso.
  • Exhale in cat’s pose.

Exhale: Cat Pose

  • Start in cow pose.
  • While exhaling, it surrounds the back, put the coxis and curl the chin into the chest.
  • Keep your shoulders and knees instead.
  • Inhale in cow pose.
  • Repeat this flow for up to 10 breaths, or more if you wish.

  • Start by looking up at your mat. Fold your legs to place flat feet on the mat.
  • Hug your knees in the chest, reach the back of your thighs and move your knees slowly, while lifting your feet to the roof.
  • I get to your arms between your legs and grip the edges of the pink feet of your feet. Press on your feet as if you were standing on the roof.
  • Throw your knees to you while lowering your head, shoulders and back of your arms to the mat.
  • Stay up to a minute, then slowly join your knees again and lower your feet back to the mat.

Gray woman has possess | Paloma pose

  • Start with four legs, with your hands to the width of the shoulders and knees to the hip width.
  • Bring the right knee forward, placing it on the floor behind the right wrist.
  • Slide the right ankle to the left wrist, so that your right pimples cross your carpet at a comfortable angle.
  • Extend the left leg back and slowly lower your hips to the floor. Keep the upper left foot on the floor.
  • Keep your hips level, with your weight distributed evenly among them (avoid sinking in your right hip).
  • From here, you can remain vertically, keeping your hands on the floor in front of you, your chest up and your core compromised, or you can fold forward, slowly extending your hands in front of you and lowering your chest to the floor.
  • Keep the pose for 5 to 10 breaths, then change sides and repeat.
  • To get out of the pose, put the fingers of the left feet underneath, press in your hands and slowly bring your right foot towards the initial position.

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