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Is the PNF stretches the most effective way to increase mobility?

Extension It is an integral part of any training routine. Greater than flexibility It allows us to be more resistant to injuries while gaining strength, but most people only know two types of stretching:

  • Static: Traditional stretching where a muscle is maintained in an elongated position for up to 30 seconds (think of the TOOS) to release tension and make the muscles more flexible.
  • Dynamic: Movement -based activities (for example, trunk turns, knees) to prepare the body for action.

But there is another way to increase flexibility and movement range called PNF stretching. If you have ever worked with a personal coach who stretched it after training or visited one of fashion stretching studies, you may be familiar with this practice.

Whether it is a rookie or often has someone else to stretch it, this is what you need to know about the stretching of PNF.

What is PNF stretching?

Woman stretched by the physiotherapist | PNF stretching

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, or pn stretch active stretching. The objective of the practice is to unlock greater ranges of movement and improve flexibility.

Physiotherapists developed PNF in the 1940s As a way to treat patients with polio and multiple sclerosis and then began to use it for other conditions. “PNF stretching is mainly used in rehabilitation and orthopedic environments to restore flexibility, strength and coordination of injured muscles,” he explains Chris GagliardiScientific Education Content Manager for the American Exercise Council. Most of the time, this stretch is done with a trained partner.

However, anyone who wants to improve mobility can benefit from PNF techniques. “It is a method of treatment and philosophy that uses the power of the nervous system to improve movement,” says personal and physiotherapist coach Keats snidemanPT, DPT, COMT, CSCS, LMT.

Explain that breakdown the acronym helps to understand how it works:

  • Proprioceptive: Referring to the many sensory receptors that transmit information on the movement and position of the body towards the central nervous system.
  • Neuromuscular: the connection between nerves and muscles/tendons that supply.
  • Facilitation: To facilitate action or process.

How does PNF stretching work?

Man who uses resistance band to stretch with physiotherapy | PNF stretching

Snideman divides PNF concepts into “direct” and “indirect” techniques. Direct methods use the force provided by the stretched muscle, while indirect methods use the force provided by the muscles that oppose the one stretched.

Direct techniques

Direct techniques are used for tight muscles that are not painful or dangerous to stretch. A common stretching method is the contract-relax (CR):

  • You stretch the tight muscle to its final movement range or simply that it is painful.
  • Then from that position, isometrically Contract the muscle (also known as a thrust against a force without moving the muscle) for five to 10 seconds.
  • After a brief relaxation, you will find that you can stretch the muscle a little deeper.

For example, if I stretch the hamstrings, I would lay face and lift your leg as high as you can keep it straight. Then, push against an opposite force, such as a couple, belt or wall, as if it were going to lower the leg down, but make sure your leg does not move. After contracting up to 10 seconds, relax the leg, and should be able to lift it higher than previously.

“This technique works for what is called ‘post isometric relaxation’,” explains Snideman, “which means that a muscle has a brief relaxation period after isometric contraction.”

This relaxation is possible due to a reflex called Autogenic inhibition. When the muscle contracts, the sensory receptors called Golgi tendon organs send an inhibitory signal that directs the muscle to release the tension, which allows it to lengthen. In a nutshell, the muscle relaxes when it experiences too much tension.

You can often do direct PNF stretching with a partner or accessories such as a strap or a wall.

Indirect techniques

Indirect techniques use antagonistic or opposite parts to stretch a tight muscle. “This technique can be better when a muscle is weak or painful to contract,” says Snideman.

With indirect techniques:

  • You stretch the tight muscle to its final movement range or simply that it is painful.
  • Then, instead of contracting that muscle, other opposite muscles is isometrically contracted for five to 10 seconds, which, in turn, helps the tight muscle relax and stretch.

For example, if I stretched the chest, I would lift your arm to be parallel to the ground and stretch it as far back without pain. From that point, prepare your arm against a couple or a wall behind you and contract your shoulder muscles and the upper back to push against the force. After contracting up to 10 seconds, relax the arm, and you can find more movement range in the initial chest stretching.

During this technique, the muscles participate in the reciprocal inhibition. While a muscle is contracted, inhibitory signals make the opposite muscle relax.

The indirect stretching of PNF is usually done with a couple, but it may be possible to stretch on their own accessories, depending on which muscle it is directed.

When should I stretch PNF?

“There is no consensus about when it is better to use PNF stretching,” says Snideman. “But if this type of stretch is used before the activity, it can help someone reach the range of movement that needs for any activity in which they are about to participate.”

It is better to heat before stretching PNF, since flexibility is trained more effectively when the muscle is warm, adds Gagliardi.

In addition, before exercise, be sure to do some dynamic stretching After PNF stretching. Otherwise, studies show that they can have Less vertical jump height either Power during your training.

What are the benefits of PNF stretching?

The woman holds her leg due to pain in the hamstrings | PNF stretching

“PNF stretching often produces a greater increase in the range of movement faster than passive or static approaches,” says Snideman.

In Study published in Sports Biology In 2016The researchers divided 40 university students with Ischiotibial cakes in four groups. Three days a week for four weeks, the students made:

  • Typical static stretching
  • PNF stretching
  • Multigan Traction Lake Lave (TSLR) Technique (another technique that increases the flexibility of hamstrings)
  • Without stretching

The stretching of PNF and Mulligan TSLR increased the movement of the hamstrings rather than static stretching. Some even consider PNF the “most effective stretching technique” to increase the range of movement.

Precautions when practicing PNF stretching

To be sure, PNF only stretch with a professional, such as a personal coach or a physiotherapist trained in practice. Tell them about any injury or tension, since hiring injured muscles or tendons can make things worse, Snideman warns.

This also applies if you have had recent surgeries, since stretching the affected muscles can affect recovery. Once you know the techniques, you may be able to do a PNF stretch on your own.

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