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304 North Cardinal St.
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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Sweet, satisfactory and dense in nutrients, fruit is one of the main pillars of a healthy diet. But if throwing pounds is your goal, why are the best fruits to eat? Weight loss?
“I recommend focusing High fiber fruits For those who wish to lose weight, ”says Diana Gariglio-Clalland, RD, a Washington headquarters. “Fiber It is beneficial for a multitude of reasons: it helps keep us satiated and Promotes stable levels of blood sugarwhich translates into more stable energy levels. “
The fruit also gives you a lot for your money in the diet: they are full of vitamins, minerals and Antioxidants.
“When you are looking lose some poundsYou want to cut calories where you can, but keep the maximum nutrients in your diet, ”he says Keith-Thomas AyoobRD, Fand, Associated Clinical Professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. “There are no ‘bad’ fruits, but those that provide a lot of satiety with the minimum calories are their best options.”
There are a couple of basic rules when it comes to eating fruit to lose weight. Always opt for the entire fruit, with the skin, when appropriate, to obtain the greatest amount of fiber. And not accept substitutes.
“Hop Dry fruit and Fruit juicessince they are more concentrated in sugar with less fiber, “says Gariglio-Clalland.” Avoid any fruit with added sugars [like some canned fruit]as well as smoothies made with sugary mixtures. Fruit bags are also very low in fiber. If you choose them for convenience, opt for sugar. “
That said, here there are 11 of the best fruits to lose weight.
1 fruit: 103 calories, 4 g of fiber
“Toronjas are one of the best fruits that can help weight loss due to their thermogenic properties and high fiber content,” he says Julia EzeMSN, RN, NP-C, a family nursing practitioner certified by the Board in Atlanta.
Researchers create thermogenic foods (peppers They are another example) contain natural chemicals that can Help with weight control. Citrus fruits could also be a natural appetite suppressor.
In A studyThe obese adults who consumed Pomelo before meals for 12 weeks ate less calories, lost 7.1 percent of their body weight and saw a reduction in the size of the waist and body fat.
Just keep in mind that some medications may have Negative interactions with grapefruitSo it is possible that you want to consult with your doctor before making the grapefruits a basic element of your diet.
1 medium: 96 calories, 4 g of fiber
High in satisfying fiber and low in calories, apples are also rich in pectinA type of fiber that Help fill you And keeps you full. Eat everything like snack, place it in a shake or turn them a snack (just be sure to keep the skin on for the maximum fiber).
1 medium: 101 calories, 5.5 g of fiber
Like apples, pears also have a blow of weight loss thanks to pectin. In A 12 -week studyPeople who added three apples or pears to their daily diet lost 2.7 pounds.
They are a filling sandwich, only a medium pear provides almost a quarter of their daily fiber subsidy, but they are also a great oat coverage, or as an addition of salad that will keep it satiated.
1 cup: 112 calories, 9 g of fiber
This small exotic fruit is a high fiber champion, which reaches nine grams per cup. Only one piece provides twice the daily subsidy of Vitamin c.
Studies show that guava can help Keep sugar in stable bloodhelping to prevent peaks, accidents and whim. You can eat them as they come, including Peel, since it contains more vitamin C than an entire orange! The seeds are also edible.
1 portion (around ⅓ avocado): 84 calories, 3.4 g of fiber
With your distinctive well, avocado It is technically a fruit. He is also rich in healthy health for the heart monounsaturated fatThen it is super simple. You simply do not engulf them as apples; Stick to a portion size of half or a third.
Slicing avocado can make a salad or a grilled chicken breast fill more, or give satisfaction to a creamy to a smoothie.
1 cup: 64 calories, 8 g of fiber
“The berries are not only low in calories, but they are also loaded with fiber and are among the best sources of Antioxidants“Says Ayoob. Raspberries have a winning relationship of low qualification/high fiber: a study published in the magazine Appetite They discovered that women who ate a raspberry snack ate less calories at dinner.
They will make a sweeter and more satiated milkshake, and they are a great addition to meal preparation.
1 cup: 62 calories, 7.6 g of fiber
Almost as rich in fiber like raspberries, blackberries are also rich in manganese, a nutrient that Help with protein synthesis -Secessary to build muscle that burns fat-and the metabolism of carbohydrates.
Enjoy them whole for a sweet snack, or try them in this refreshing BlackBerry shake With mint as a recovery drink after training.
1 cup: 84 calories, 3.6 g of fiber
In a review of the studies of the Harvard Medicine School that involve more than 124,000 people, the researchers found that those who consumed more foods rich in Anthocyanins (A natural chemist found in blue or purple fruits such as blueberries) It is more likely to avoid weight gain or lose weight than those who ate less of those foods.
Scientists theorize that flavonoles (a class of natural chemicals in the fruit to which the anthocyanins belong) could prevent fat absorption and increase calorie burn.
Snack on them directly from the package, make them part of a Creative fruit salador use them to overcome a Protein rich smoothie bowl.
1 cup: 74 calories, 4.6 g of fiber
Strawberries are not only filled and sweetly satisfactory, like all berries, they are rich in vitamin C, but only a cup provides their complete daily assignment.
Researchers believe that vitamin C can Help at low cortisol levelsalso known as the stress hormone that encourages your body to hold on to belly fat.
1 wedge: 86 calories, 1.1 g of fiber
“Melon family fruits, especially watermelon, have a high water content, which is excellent to help hydration,” says Eze. The watermelon is a sweet snack loved by itself, but you can be creative with it: work in salads, soups or even these Watermelon palettes!
1 cup: 60 calories, 1.6 g of fiber
“The melons are sweet enough, and they are high enough in potassium and water to be a great refreshment after training and a rehydrator,” says Ayoob. The melons are 90 percent of water, so they will turn off their thirst and fill it for a minimum of calories.
Bocadora or creative in covering the Cantalupo in a sauce to accompany the grilled fish or chicken.
If you are trying to lose weight, the amount of fruit you must eat depends on its total caloric needs.
“If someone has 1,200 calories a day to lose weight, then two portions of fruit per day are fine,” says Ayoob. “For 1,500 calories, look for approximately three or four portions.
“In any case, do not cut the fruit completely,” he says. “It’s too good for you and too pleasant. If you opt for melons and berries, they are quite low in calories. If you are happy to eat them, you can find that you can give up other indulgences and stay in a healthy regime and under weight of weight loss. “