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What is a contrast bath and what are its benefits?

A contrast bath (or contrast water therapy) is a technical term for a hot bath, followed by a cold bath, followed by a hot bath, then a cold bath (repeated for about 20 minutes). This recovery modality might be more advantageous than just an ice bath if you’re looking for something serious. recovery benefitssuch as reducing inflammation, pain and swelling.

Contrast bath – a stark contrast to the usual recovery suspects like foam roller and protein powders – it’s not for everyone. But, if you’re feeling adventurous and can handle a few minutes of discomfort from the cold, consider taking the plunge.

What does contrast bath do?

constricted and dilated blood vessel | Contrast bath
vasodilation vs vasoconstriction | contrast bath

In addition to inducing teeth clenching and occasional swearing, contrast baths (or switching between hot and cold water immersion) cause the body’s blood vessels to alternate between vasodilation (a relaxation and opening of blood vessels) and vasoconstriction (a reduction of space within the blood vessel).

The idea is that the repeated opening and closing of the vessels creates a pumping effect that helps bring fresh, oxygenated blood to the body’s tissues while it is removed. waste productsthereby reducing swelling, inflammation, stiffness and discomfort.

“Contrast baths are a great way to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process,” says Steve Hruby, doctor of chiropractic and founder of Kaizen Progressive Health in Scottsdale, Arizona. “They can also be useful in reduce pain and improving range of motion.”

What are the benefits of a contrast bath?man in ice bath | contrast bath

For such a simple and accessible therapy, contrast baths offer a variety of research-backed benefits.

1. Reduced pain

As noted above, contrast baths can help with delayed onset muscle pain (DOMS), an uncomfortable exercise-induced condition that can hinder athletic performance. But research shows that contrast baths can also be helpful for non-athletes who suffer from everyday pain.

2. Decreased swelling

Contrast baths can also help reduce injury-induced swelling, which can be painful and inhibit mobility. TO study A study involving participants with ankle sprains found that using contrast baths three days after sustaining the injury helped reduce swelling better than heat therapy.

3. Post-exercise recovery

in one study published by The Journal of Strength and Conditioning ResearchA group of recreational athletes performed a leg workout designed to induce DOMS. After training, one group rested for 15 minutes while the other performed contrast water therapy.

According to the study, “contrast water therapy (CWT) was associated with less reduction and faster restoration of strength and power…unlike passive recovery.”

4. Fewer sick days

The evidence that contrast baths increase immunity remains largely anecdotal. However, one study found that people who took daily contrast showers took far fewer sick days at work than those who didn’t.

How do you take a contrast bath?

jacuzzi in freezing weather | contrast bath

“There are many ways to do a contrast bath, but the basic idea is to alternate between hot and cold bodies of water,” says Hruby. “I usually recommend starting with two minutes in hot water, followed by one minute in cold water. You can repeat this cycle for up to 20 minutes.”

How cold and hot depends on what is available to you (and what you can personally tolerate), but the protocol For most scientific studies it includes a hot temperature of 100 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit (37 to 40 degrees Celsius) and a cold temperature of 46 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit (seven to 10 degrees Celsius).

Do you have to submerge your entire body?

While contrast baths are often associated with full-body immersion, you can also soak just a swollen part of the body or an injured area, such as a hand or ankle. Depending on the injury or condition, your treatment provider may also recommend doing some exercises or gentle movements while the body part is submerged, such as flexing your ankle or opening and closing your hand.

Depending on the condition or severity of the injury, contrast baths may be performed daily or several times a day.

Where can you take a contrast bath?

Some training and physical therapy facilities are equipped with bathtubs explicitly designed for contrast baths. Still, you can create a similar experience with a cold lake or unheated pool and a hot tub or hot tub.

If you don’t have access to multiple bodies of water, try a contrast shower in your own bathroom following the same contrast bath ratio of hot and cold water; Simply turn the dial back and forth from hot water to cold water.

Does it matter what type of water you use?

There is no special water requirement for contrast baths; Plain H2O from the tap will work, as will chlorinated pool water or salty ocean water. The most critical variable is temperature. As stated above, you want your cold water to be between 46 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit (it will feel uncomfortably cold!) and your hot water to be between 100 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

It is important to keep in mind that contrast baths are No Recommended for people who have open wounds or are hypersensitive to cold. And if you have any medical conditions, it’s essential that you consult with your doctor before trying a contrast bath.

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