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The BODi Experience Podcast: Watch the Latest Episode

BODi Super Trainer Autumn Calabrese was suffering from unexplained weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, and a host of other hormone-related issues. His search for a solution resulted in Belle Vitale Hormonal Health Program for women. Now, the certified hormone health coach and fitness and nutrition expert joins BODi CEO Carl Daikeler to reveal her groundbreaking program and how it helped over 40 women achieve amazing, life-changing results.

Watch it below or Click here to listen and subscribe to the podcast.

BODi Experience podcast logoPrevious episodes

The BODi experience guides you to maintain consistent health, fitness and nutrition. Join us as we learn from people who overcome obstacles to achieve remarkable results, presented by CEO Carl Daikeler.

Episode 26: James LaValle

James LaValle | BODi Experience Podcast

The results of recent tests of the Belle Vitale Hormonal Health Program from super trainer Autumn Calabrese, backed by blood tests and laboratory tests, show the transformative benefits that can be achieved when hormones work in harmony. Clinical pharmacist and nutritionist James LaValle discusses the science behind these results with BODi CEO Carl Daikeler. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 25: Jackie Greenwood

BODi Experience Podcast | Jackie Greenwood

“Yes, I’m 57 years old and I can still do these things, and you can too.” Find out how elementary school principal Jackie Greenwood regained control of her hormones, belly fat, and quality of life by following the Belle Vitale Hormonal Health Program by BODi Super Trainer Calabrese autumn. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 24: Maggie Ullrich

Maggie Ullrich | BODi Experience Podcast

Maggie Ullrich scaled back her fitness and nutrition routines, but her body started responding differently when she was in her 40s. He began experiencing problems such as unexpected weight gain, night sweats, and fatigue, to name a few. look how Bella Vitalethe hormonal health program Calabrese autumnIt helped her reboot. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 23: Joel Freeman

Joel Freeman | BODi Experience Podcast

BODi Super Trainer Joel Freeman Share details about your LIIFT4 Responsibility Group and reveals an exciting new incentive to work out and “fight the bullshit” with him before the holidays. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 22: Mariah Bukowski

body experience podcast | Episode 22: Mariah Bukowski

Mariah Bukowski, donut shop owner and mother of three, shares with BODi CEO Carl Daikeler how she successfully balances her healthy lifestyle and love of donuts while navigating the temptations of her business and the challenges of life as a mother. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 21: Amber Jones

BODi Experience Podcast | Amber Jones

Amber Jones survived an EF1 tornado, which swept her through the air and broke her neck and back. She shares the true story of her near-death experience with BODi CEO Carl Daikeler and reveals how she made the ultimate comeback to rebuild her strength and muscle mass with programs like 21 day solution, Muscle burns fatand ELEVATOR4. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 20: Jonathan Musick

BODi Experience | jonathan music

Weighing in at 582 pounds, Jonathan Musick has committed to a life-changing weight loss journey with DIG DEEPER and Portion Fix to lose over 300 pounds. Watch or listen as he tells BODi CEO Carl Daikeler his story and how he’s preparing for his first day. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 19: Aisha Felder

BODi Experience | Aisha Felder

Thanks to her unwavering commitment and the help of BODi and Shakeology, Aisha Felder lost an average of 11 pounds in weight. per month for almost a year and he is no longer prediabetic. Watch or listen to Aisha explain to BODi CEO Carl Daikeler how she lost 110 pounds. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 18: Brandon Giles

BODi Experience Podcast | Brandon Giles

After 15 years of playing bars and drinking beers, professional singer and pianist Brandon Giles tells BODi CEO Carl Daikeler how shows like P90X, T25, Transform:20 and Body Beast gave him the strength and confidence not only to rebuild your body but also to maintain your sobriety. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 17: Kristen Rowe

kristen rowe body experience podcast

Accountant, entertainer and mother of two, Kristen Rowe, recounts the brain fog, lethargy and other signs of hormonal imbalance she experienced before completing the Bella Vitale Hormonal health program. Here, she shares how blood tests that once indicated prediabetes have returned to normal, as has her natural energy and mental clarity. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 16: Jennifer González

body experience podcast | jenifer gonzalez

“Ask for help.” That’s what set BODi subscriber Jeniffer González on the path to the 100-pound weight loss she experienced in just one year, even though she also struggled with asthma. Here, she tells BODi CEO Carl Daikeler about her struggles, her turning point, and her eventual journey toward positive health self-esteem. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 15: Jess Richards

BODi Experience Podcast | Jess Richards

After regularly consuming breakfasts that contained more than 90 grams of added sugar, BODi subscriber Jess Richards credits “mindset renewal” for getting her past 276 pounds. at 160 pounds. Now she shares the screen with her favorite super trainer, Megan Davies, in the cast of Super Block Insurance. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 14: Megan Davies

Megan Davies Body Experience Podcast

Super Trainer Megan Davies sits down with BODi CEO Carl Daikeler and looks back on her journey with BODi, starting with his victory in the BODi reality show THE 20s and how it all led to his latest venture: the three-week Sure Thing Super Block. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 13: Shevnovia Easley

Shevnovia Easley’s doctor gave her an ultimatum: lose 10 pounds before her birthday (two months) or she would have to start taking a weight-loss medication. The mom talks to BODi CEO Carl Daikeler about how she doubled her weight loss goal by following our new power yoga + primal movement program. BODI-LAVA. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 12: Bianca O’Brien

BODi Experience Podcast | Episode 12 | Bianca O'Brien

LAVA BODYSUIT Test group graduate Bianca O’Brien shares with BODi CEO Carl Daikeler her experience with the new program, losing more than 10 pounds in 12 weeks while maintaining a full-time job as a flight attendant. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 11: Elise Joan

BODi Experience Podcast | Elise Juana

BODi Super Trainer Elise Juana and CEO Carl Daikeler put their taste buds to the test, sampling a spicy collection of hot sauces as they talk about the power of their new program. BODI-LAVA. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 10: Kim Fitzpatrick

BODi Kim Fitzpatrick Experience Podcast

Kim Fitzpatrick talks about overcoming a series of traumas throughout her life, including the loss when she was just 11 months old of her mother, who chose her baby over cancer treatment. Listen as Kim shares how consistency and daily decision making have yielded results beyond her imagination. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 9: María Casas

body experience podcast | Episode 9 | Maria Casas

Fueled by love for her children and determination to regain her health, Maria Casas refused to give up on her fitness and nutrition journey, overcame type 2 diabetes and lost 202 pounds in just 34 months. Let their journey inspire your own “Feel Good Summer”! [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 8: Tony Horton

tony horton | body experience podcast

BODi CEO Carl Daikeler and P90x creator Tony Horton recall the behind-the-scenes stories of how the iconic fitness program was created, the early days of filming on the beach without permits, and the time when Tony fused authenticity and comedy into extreme physical training. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 7: Jenice Johnson Williams

body experience podcast | jenice johnson williams

BODi user and cancer survivor, Jenice’s journey is a testament to resilience and determination. Here, she shares her refusal to let kidney cancer and other life challenges dictate her physical and mental well-being. Witness firsthand the incredible results that come from refusing to give up both physically and mentally. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 6: Darin the oil

in it oils | body experience podcast

Shakeology It has sold over a billion servings, but why was it created in the first place? BODi CEO Carl Daikeler chats with superfood hunter and Shakeology co-formulator There they smell while outlining the problems with the supplement industry in general. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 5: Loreyna Rosenow

body experience episode 5 loreyna rosenow

Imagine being in a wheelchair and at the same time transforming your entire life with a boxing program and many other BODi programs! Hear how Loreyna Rosenow lost 100 pounds and helped improve her mood with a determination to overcome barriers and trauma, and an inspiring refusal to give up! [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 4: Bradd Bueno

body experience episode 4 bradd good

BODi has 120 training programs and Bradd Goede has done more than half of them. After 16 years and 5,627 days of BODi workouts, the king of consistency reveals the remarkable strides you can make on a fitness and health journey through true perseverance. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 3: Isabelle Daikeler

body experience podcast isabelle daikeler shakeology

Fifteen years and more than one billion servings sold: Shakeology is a nutritional phenomenon. BODi CEO Carl Daikeler interviews Isabelle Daikeler, his wife and co-formulator, to discuss how her refusal to compromise led to this health breakthrough. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

Episode 2: Jessie Burr

BODi Experience Podcast | Jessie Burr | Carl Daikeler

What does it take to break free from yo-yo dieting? Jessie Burr made the decision to find out and also discovered a way to end digestive problems with exercise and nutrition. How did he make it look so easy? [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

BODi Experience Podcast | episode 1 | Artie Maier Carl Daikeler

In this debut episode, 17-year-old employee Arthur Maier shares how he turned his physical misery into reward and lost 24 pounds using Shaun T’s. YOUR DEEPER program. [Listen on Apple Podcasts]

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