Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Even if it is not usually a great drinker, special occasions can make a number in their All in Mantra moderation. From open bar festivities until we catch up with friends to vacation dinners With your family, release often offers wide opportunities to go to alcohol.
While it is fun to celebrate and enjoy, waking up the next day with a divided and general headache How-Did-We-Finish-The-Whole-Bottle The discomfort is less fun.
But dealing with a hangover after drinking too much is avoidable, if you approach your joy with the right plan. So pay attention and consider these wisdom pepites before lifting your next glass.
The short answer is, of course, “alcohol.” But the mechanisms behind because Alcohol makes us feel so horrible The next day is not really known.
“We do not completely understand what is happening and what causes it,” says Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD. “But we know that alcohol is toxic to the body and toxic to organs. “
Dehydration He also plays an important role in causing the headaches that come with hangover. Alcohol is a diuretic – Which means that it makes you urinate a lot, so you cannot experience the same headache when you drink something with a high water content, such as a Alcoholic Seltzer or a vodka club soda.
And, Giancoli adds, alcohol can also negatively affect the immune system (making it feel generally neglected), irritate the stomach lining (causing nausea and vomiting) and more under blood sugar (causing tremors and dizziness).
The only safe way to prevent a hangover is to avoid alcohol completely, but if you want to enjoy a couple of drinks, there are some things you can do to limit its hangover symptoms.
If avoiding alcohol is not an option, the first step is to practice some restriction. “You must limit the drink to about two alcoholic beverages,” he says Mitzi DulanRD, CSD, author and dietitian. Rent spacing your drinks, how to drink during the snack round and then another when you have dinner.
And look at your portion sizes. A single portion of hard liquor, for example, is only 1.5 ounces. Fill a glass of nine -oun -on -way whiskey, and you are indeed making three shots.
Dulan suggests adding bright water to your drinks: it will help avoid dehydration and it is less likely to indulge it in excess. Cut the 50-50 priest with foamy water, for example, or Mix hard liquor with SELTZER and a touch of juice or slice of citrus.
“Another way to potentially reduce the symptoms of the hangover,” says Giancoli, “is to drink free or low alcohols in congeners.”
Congéres They are fermentation by -products that are considered toxic. They are higher in darker liquors such as Bourbon, Brandy and whiskey, and lower in transparent alcohol such as Geneva, Vodka and Ron. That is also the reason why mixing liquors can be a recipe for a horrible hangover: the congeners of different types of alcohol can add, increasing the toxic toll in your body.
If you feel drunk as the night progresses, do not scare. Simply stop drinking and change to running water or sodas of the club, or at least begin to go one by one with water. “Drinking a glass of water between each alcoholic beverage will help reduce how much drinks, and will continue to hydrate,” says Giancoli.
Hitting the soda table can also help, since the food adds a barrier that helps stop the speed at which alcohol is absorbed in its bloodstream.
“The main thing is not to drink alcohol with an empty stomach, because when the alcohol hits the stomach lining, it is absorbed immediately,” says Gianncoli. “If you are drinking with an empty stomach, you will feel the effects of alcohol before.”
And healthier food can be more useful than garbage. “There are some research that shows things like asparagus and mangoes It can be useful, ”says Giancoli. Do not expect these foods to work on the miracles of hangover, but as a general rule, hits healthy snacks as fruits, vegetables or whole grains what they have Antioxidant properties They are good for your body.
If you know that you are going to celebrate a lot, plan in advance. Dulan likes to pack High protein snacks -As a peanut or honey sandwich Protein balls Made with oatmeal, honey, peanut butter, powder protein and almonds, in case damage control is needed. “These options make you feel better and give you good energy,” she says.
Ok, then you celebrated too much and you didn’t realize until it was too late. Now what?
Once I get home and before bedtime, drink a large glass, or two or three, of water. It is not an infallible hangover cure, says Dulan, but “I should help you feel better than if you didn’t.”
And do not bother to pursue its large amounts of water with an analgesic before fainting. “Some people take ibuprofen or aspirin before bedtime as a way of treating the hangover,” says Giancoli. “But that will not last enough.” When you wake up, you will have disappeared.
In the morning, Giancoli recommends staying in bed as long as possible. “Go back to sleep. Time is the best healer, ”she says.
When you finally take out your body of nebulous brain outside the bed, Giancoli recommends eating a mango or even a thread, which Studies suggest that they can help. “They are not tested and true and are not proven,” she says. “But they are certainly healthy and will benefit their body in a variety of other ways.”
Mix them in a milkshake, then take a more substantial breakfast, such as eggs with whole wheat toasts, to recover blood sugar.