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What type 1 muscle fibers do and how to train them

Whether your goal is to PR in a marathon, climb a mountain, or crush your coworkers in the annual office plank competition, you need to understand type 1 muscle fibers and how to develop them.

Of the two main types of skeletal muscle fibersType 1 muscle fibers (also known as “slow twitch” muscle fibers) are more endurance-oriented and are crucial for steady state exercisehigh rep strength training sets and isometric dams.

But before we get into the details of how to target type 1 fibers in your workouts, let’s first take a closer look at what they are and how they work.

What are type 1 muscle fibers?

Compared to Type 2 muscle fibers (fast twitch).Being larger and more powerful, type 1 muscle fibers have long contraction times (hence their “slow twitch” nickname). As a result, they generate less force, but are more resistant to fatigue.

That is why they are the fibers that the body turns to for longer duration and steady state activities, such as run and cyclingand for continuous effort and high repetition strength training such as circuit training.

How to train type 1 muscle fibers

woman on bicycle | Type 1 muscle fibers

Every muscle contains type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers, and each is born with its own unique ratio of them, says Breanne Celiberti, MS, former adjunct instructor in the Human Performance department at the University of Tampa. But with specific training, you can favor and develop one type of fiber over the other.

To develop your type 1 muscle fibers, focus on aerobic and resistance-oriented activities and training modalities:

1. Steady State Training

Maintaining a constant rhythm for longer distances it will hammer its type 1 fibers (unlike in a hurry and interval trainingthat target type 2 fibers).

2. Resistance training

Incorporate light, high-rep sets into your routine to target your type 1 fibers. Research also shows that performing light-weight/high-rep sets and heavy-weight/low-rep sets can help maximize hypertrophy (muscle development) working both types of primary muscle fibers.

3. Circuit training

Consecutive sets of plyometric, body weightand weight lifting exercises will affect both your cardiorespiratory system and your muscles, especially your type 1 fibers.

What are type 1 muscle fibers like?

Type 1 muscle fibers require more oxygen to produce energy than type 2 muscle fibers, which is why they are red. Their counterparts, type 2 muscle fibers, which are more anaerobic (oxygen independent), they are white.

“Type 1 fibers are also a little smaller,” says Celiberti. “Upon close examination, type 1 muscle fibers have greater capillary density and oxidative capacity, as well as a smaller diameter than type 2 fibers.”

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